Am shocked and mortified!!!

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Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by madmum »

On our walk this morning we were met by a cairn terrier who we have not encountered before. It began to bark but the owner ,as they were approaching us, asked if Max was friendly "yes very"I replied as then watched in horror as max went for the still barking terrier yike* I pulled him away and reprimanded him severly and as the chap walked away dragging a still barking dog with him all i could do was apologise profusley and walk Max away.He was fine about it ,his dog was fine(Max never made contact with the dog)but i was so shocked to see my previously" over friendly" lick you to death dog behave like that i nearly burst into tears.He obviously felt threatened by the dog but i have never seen him behave that way before confused> Now when someone asks me if he is friendly i am going to have to say no {cry}I am so cross with myself I am going to have to work really hard at "demoting"him!He is bottom of the pecking order with my other dogs ,i have always fed him last,and respects his boundries with them.He is allowed to sit on the furniture but only when we say, and so are the other dogs.Should i demote him further and not allow him to do so.He was well socialised as a pup and has never reacted like this before )hlp>
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Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by Totally Scrambled »

I'm sure Wendy, our resident doggie expert, will be along to advise.
I would say it your dog is normally well behaved and friendly that it is a one off, just like us dogs can take an instant dislike to someone they've just met and hopefully this is all it is.
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Steve the Gas

Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by Steve the Gas »

Agree with Dom. )t'
Think Wendy is off on a short break today.
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Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by wendy »

Poor you, it is a shock when they do things like that.
But I have to ask. Do you like everyone you meet ? do you like someone coming up in your face and rabbiting on. No of course you don't.
We do expect an awful lot of our dogs and expect them to like every dog they meet and every person they meet.
I would also say it was a one off. I certainly wouldn't tell people he isn't friendly. That will cause tension, which will make both dogs uneasy.
I never ask people if their dogs are friendly, as I have been told too often yes and then their dog proceeds to beat mine up )grin2( If people ask I say usually.

You cannot make your dog lower in the ranking with other dogs, only his demeanour and other dogs can do that. If you try to artifically alter the ranking then you can have big problems at home. You should always be guided by the dogs themselves. Who goes through doors first, who gets toys first, who gives them up and who doesn't. etc. etc. As he is fine at home you don't seem to have problems with him.

Don't worry I am sure he hasn't overnight changed into a monster. I, like Dom, think this is probably a one off.
PS I am away from tomorrow x

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Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by morph »

Oh what a trauma for you madmum. Wendy, with her immense knowledge is right as always!!

Dogs cannot be expected to like all they meet (as with any animal). I would definitely not become tense when you meet other dogs, otherwise Max will pick up on this tension, and feel that there is a reason to be tense. Therefore, I would work on remaining relaxed and calm, and then if people ask if he is friendly, you could say he is, but not when the other dog is barking and being agressive. If someone were to come up to me shouting and screaming, I wouldn't be friendly!!!

Please try not to worry too much, poor little man!
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Steve the Gas

Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by Steve the Gas »

P.S. :oops:
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Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by lizziedoggarden »

I agree with Wendy, my lab Hershie is the most dolice dopey girl but there,s been a couple of times there,s been a dog she hasn,t liked and she,s been vocal, mainly because of Button who doesn,t like other dogs full stop. :?

Have a good break Wendy )t'
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Re: Am shocked and mortified!!!

Post by jannie »

As much as a shock that this incident was for you...your little dog is still the same little dog he was before.. {hug} ...
I have a miniature schnauzer who meets and greets everyone and every dog differently....he will gallop up to some and wag his tail...roll over in submission at some...and growl at some.....I put it down to the fact that he is a very good judge of character....I never scold him but warn him in a firm tone NO. LEAVE when he growls..he doesn't do it very often so I trust his judgement that if he growls at a dog or person we're approaching then I should be wary too....
I think the owner of the cairn terrier knew his dog was snappy and was hoping that your dog was placid enough to avoid his usual confrontations...your little dog just saw him as a threat and reacted accordingly... )t'

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