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Post by amber66 »

I have been contemplating getting a couple of extra girls, but held back while Marigold was still with us, as i was worried if i also lost Lily (who is getting on a bit now) or Molly one of them would be left on their own.
I picked up a French Grey and a Pied Suffolk a couple of days ago. They are supposed to be 24 weeks old but their combs are small and pick so in my limited knowledge i think they may be younger.
I have separated part of the run for them and added a "coop" made from a dog crate so they will be safe at night. The Pied Suffolk, who i have named Pippa is very skitish and nervous and is below the other one, Sophie,in the pecking order. They were in different flocks when i got them.
Molly and Lily are interested in them but have not shown to be aggressive towards them. My question is, do you think it would be ok to put them all together now or wait a few more days and hope Pippa calms down a bit more?
Sorry for the long post.

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Re: introductions

Post by KarenE »

Hi Amber

)piicy( of course

I would be tempted to wait another day maybe - make sure they both know where home is and are feeling a bit more confident.

If it doesn't look like there'll be handbags, maybe let them together as it starts to get darker, so they'll all off to bed soonish. Ideally get them sleeping together even if you have to move the 2 newbies in. I usually start mingling mine after about 3 days once I'm sure they are going to bed on their own, but I mix mine in the garden and I need to make sure they won't run off!

Goes without saying - be on hand with a water pistol in case their angelic natures slip somewhat :-D
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Re: introductions

Post by Mo »

I think that's more or less what I do too.
Wait a few days (up to a week)
Open a way out of their part of the run just before dusk, let them find their way into the main run if they want to, let them sleep where they want. Watch and adapt if needed.
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Re: introductions

Post by amber66 »

Thank you Karen and Mo.
I am going to wait until they have gone to bed this evening and then hopefully put the new ones in the original coop with Molly and Lily. I will put the dog crate in the inside run where the coop is in case they would rather go into that. They haven't ventured into this part of the run on their own yet, just looked in the door way.
They will all be shut in the run tomorrow as i am a bit worried that Pippa, the nervous one would try to fly off if i let them free range in the garden atm. I will be out for an hour but OH will be on hand if a fight breaks out.
Fingers crossed.
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Re: introductions

Post by sandy »

Good to hear of the arrival of Sophie and Pippa, let us know how it goes.
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Re: introductions

Post by amber66 »

Morning all.
Well i put the new girls in with Molly and Lily late last night and they all went straight to sleep.
I opened the coop at 6.15am this morning and Molly and Lily both come out as usual but the new girls are still in the coop.
My question is, do i just leave them there, i have put some corn near the door to encourage them out as i want them to eat and drink. I have seen them eating corn before but not really touching the pellets and i am worried if they don't eat and drink in this cold weather they may die?
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Re: introductions

Post by silverback »

Hi Amber, I would just let them settle in, can't say I've ever heard of an animal starving itself to death, unless it's very unwell. Your girls are in a strange enviroment at the moment, and it will take a little while to settle down, at least there were no handbags at dawn!! )t'
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Re: introductions

Post by amber66 »

Thank you all for your advice.
Things seemed slightly less stressed between them today. The new girls found their way out of the coop, but not back in tonight, so when i got in from work after it was getting dark i put them all in together again and it went quiet after a few seconds so hopefully all is well.
I have been chicken watching today, between lessons, Sophie is quite laid back apart from when you try to pick her up then all h*ll breaks loose, Pippa on the other hand is really highly strung but doesn't seem as nervous as she was.
Pippa keeps pecking at Sophie's feathers, not trying to pull them out though, so they may have some beasties on them. I have put mite powder on the straw in the coop as i don't want to stress them anymore than necessary atm hoping that will help.
They still don't seem to be eating the pellets but are pecking bits from the floor so i hope they are getting enough to eat.
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Re: introductions

Post by Mo »

The may be used to eating mash and not recognise pellets as food. Try crushing the pellets and giving them in a bowl. When they are used to that leave some less crushed bits in, till they get the idea.
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Re: introductions

Post by amber66 »

Pippa seems more settled than Sophie,who still doesn't seem to be eating hardly anything. When i put them both in to the coop tonight i could feel that Pippa had a fullish crop but Sophie didn't. The trouble is every time they try to eat Molly and Lily barge in and they run and hide.
I have put 4 different feed stations and 3 water bowls spread around the coop but i still haven't seen Sophie eat from them. I am going to try sardines, scrambled egg, sunflower seeds and pellets, softened with water all mixed in together tomorrow and shut them in the inside run with the other 2 shut out so they can hopefully eat something in peace.
I hate intros }hairout{
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Re: introductions

Post by sandy »

Amber you will get there, some intros are a nightmare others simple, of course as we all know they all have their own personalities.
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
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Re: introductions

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi my flock still chase each other of food . They have gangs . Only thing you can do is what you have done plenty feed stns and scatter food all round . Do not seem to fight over the water though.

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