Poultry Health - free online course

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lancashire lass
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Poultry Health - free online course

Post by lancashire lass »

I was just checking FutureLearn site (part of the Open University) of any new online courses and came across this one (click on link to go to the course details) called Poultry Health - Get technically and scientifically accurate information on how to care for non-commercial poultry.
Identify the clinical features of diseased birds and when they need treatment
On this veterinary course, you’ll get expert advice on how to recognise when poultry are unwell, and the options available to you for treatment.

Grow your understanding of poultry health and effective treatments
This course will help both small animal vets and the large number of pet owners who keep poultry. Small animal vets often feel poorly prepared for treating sick birds and lack knowledge of the treatment options available to them.

Likewise, new owners may be unaware of diseases and predators which may harm their birds, and may not have access to veterinarians who are sufficiently knowledgeable.

Understand chicken anatomy and poultry disease
You’ll learn how to identify the key anatomical features of chickens, including major organs and organ systems.

Alongside specialists at the University of Nottingham, you’ll identify how to diagnose the main clinical features of illness within poultry, as well as the diseases that affect them, and determine at what point a vet needs to be consulted.

You’ll come away with a practical understanding of how to reduce the risk of animal disease impacting public health, the key responsibilities of people keeping non-commercial poultry, and the main pieces of legislation that apply to them.
It's a 6 week course which is currently available if interested. There are different options with FutureLearn - if you decide to use the free access, this course is limited to 6 week access only but there are payment options for unlimited access.

[Please note that some courses on FutureLearn do become unavailable depending on popularity and information update so if anyone comes across this post several months / years later, this particular course may not be available.]

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