Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Three eggs today and yesterday!

No more peck fests, so I reduced the girls to one feeder and one drinker (easier for me to wash and rotate) and all three have been happily using them all at the same time. Very pleased.

Jemima thinks she is a parrot and wants to be on my arm, shoulder or head whenever I go to sit with them, she likes her neck tickling now too and preens my hand while I'm doing it. Marj and Dottie are much more confident and walk all over my feet, pecking my shoes and clothes. My neighbours must think I'm away with the fairies, all I do is giggle, coo and chat to them like old friends {rofwl}

I will admit I am so very nervous about Friday, keep double checking all the fencing for escape routes etc. I'm planning on waiting until late afternoon to let them free range. I have a bottle of Pinot all ready and waiting in the fridge so to give me some Dutch courage while I sit and watch them!

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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

From Thursday , Less than 8 hours and 10mins time they are free , Free (at last ) range.
Do not worry as you say do it just before dusk , they will return to sleep .
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Wow thought it was Friday!

Corrr blimey, sooner than I thought but I can't wait to see them properly free at last! )like(
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Well, I never even touched the Pinot!!!

An absolutely gorgeous, if a bit nippy evening, two hours of lovely sun for the girls first free range.

I went into the pen as usual but accidentally on purpose left the door open behind me, no one noticed! So after tending to the water, feed and a bit of poo picking I just sauntered out, door still wide open.

They all suddenly realised, and with tiny low bodies and awfully long necks they peeked out, saw me sitting at the end of the garden and RAN like mad women to my feet, clucking and making a general racket - the loudest I have ever heard them!

Jemima was up on my chair, on my knee, on the table, everywhere at once really. Dottie even tried to jump on my knee but missed spectacularly.

Jemima is definatley the bravest, or most fool hardy I'm not sure. She explored almost every part of the garden. Dottie kept popping back to the pen, as if to check everything was still safe and where it should be. Marj just milled about, having a look at what the other two were doing , not really being either brave or scared.

Any loud noises and they all ran under my chair though {rofwl}

I skipped any treats as I wanted them to explore and get the lay of the land instead of eating. I have lots (and lots) of pots around the garden plus the compost heap, but all need a bit of jumping and manoeuvring to access, none of the girls tried tonight, I suppose just the space itself was interesting enough.

At 6.45pm all three went to the pen for a drink and some food so I shut them in, the weather was turning plus I wanted them to get some sustenance before bed time.

I'm sure there were many other details that I have forgotten to mention - I was so wired throughout, close to tears at times to be honest. But all went well, the hubby and I will be reliving it over and over all evening!! )like(

Now it's time for the Pinot :-D
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by kitla »

Magic! )like(
"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Another wonderful free range day, so glad the ban lifted just before the bank holiday weekend, plenty of time for chicken watching :-D

The girls practically flew out of the pen this morning, I had opened the pop hole at 6.30am in a Pinot and post adrenaline come down then let them out at 9.45am after umpteen coffees and an invigorating shower.

Jemima was out first, fearless and nosey, before I had reached my own perch (chair on the patio) they were all under my feet, craning their necks to look for treats and pecking my dressing gown - it's a bank holiday I'm allowed to stay in my dressing gown )t'

Again I was empty handed but they checked me over just incase. Thus ensued 2 hours of free ranging, I could seriously watch these chooks all day if I could, it is two weeks today that they arrived and already they are family.

The initial issues with Dottie and her peck fests are LONG gone, in fact during free time she never even bothered with Jem and Marj, letting them scratch in the same place as her, in fact when I did go out with spinach this afternoon Marj stole half a leaf from Dots beak!

I popped them in the pen when I needed to nip to Aldi and sadly we had a brief but heavy downpour - not forecast so I hadn't covered the pen. Feel pretty guilty about that as I came home to three soaked chooks. They have cover either inside or under the coop but by the looks of them they hadn't realised - I'm going to post for advice on this in the main forum as it really worried me >coc<

Regardless of the unplanned shower, all three were perky and active once I let them out again, I gave them some corn to help warm them up tonight when they are drying off, they don't really go crazy for corn but they had a few mouthfuls each.

The one thing that really made me giggle was that after the rain, all the snails came out in force - Jemima saw one and approached it with trepidation (I think they have only seen snail shells so far) pecked at it, then when it shot into its shell she ran off at top speed squarking and giving the other two a right fright {rofwl}
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by KarenE »

I think when you say 'they checked me over' for treats, what you really mean is 'they picked my pockets and gave me a right going over before mugging me of everything edible I had on my person' - or at least if you don't mean that now, you will soon! :-D

Ex batts quite often stand about in the rain - at first it'll be because they don't know what it is, and afterwards its because they don't really care. Mine have just been sitting on my knee in the rain, refusing to shift, and I've quite often ended up with a soaking wet bum while various ex batts snoozed. Don't worry about them, they're a lot hardier than we think and will only shelter in a really bad downpour )t'

That said, I would advise getting some roofing for your run, even if its only a bit of tarp, as it will keep the rain out and stop it from turning to mud which is no fun at all, especially in winter.

Mine love snail shells by the way, especially if I crush them a bit first. Must be the calcium in them.

By the way - have you been getting any videos? I always video my girls first ventures out into the garden, and plenty of photos too - it is wonderful to have them to look back on, and especially as you can track the girl's progress as they feather and plump up.
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Oh no never thought of videos, I'm all fingers and thumbs with the camera on my phone because I prefer to watch them in real life rather than via my phone screen but I shall make the effort. Apparently tomorrow is supposed to be dry and sunny here so I shall make the effort )t'
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Blimey, been running in and out all night, trying to get pictures, had a wonderful sunny spell earlier, it was so warm I was sat in my dress (for about 15 minutes, granted) on the patio!

Girlies have dried off, scooted to dust bath that I'd had covered in preparation for the big pen extension, it was dry and warm I guess. Communal dust bathing tickets available if required )like(
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Linda S »

Well MaIsle I think we can safely say you have a strong case of chickenitis it's incurable I'm afraid but I'm sure you will cope very well :-D .
Seeing you're girls pale comes and sad eyes it's awful to imagine what our chicks have endured but within days their eyes will become alive and as you have found they all have their own distinct and lovely personalities.
So wellcome to the world of chicken slavery )like(
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Mo »

Maisie23 wrote: - it's a bank holiday I'm allowed to stay in my dressing gown )t'

It doesn't have to be a Bank hol. Though probably not good to leave the house in your 'letting out the chickens' gear.
A lot of us let them out in our night clothes - topped with several warm layers plus wellies in winter.
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by sandy »

Maisie I am so glad you have the chickenitus bug, love reading your diary )like(
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Maisie23 »

Marj on the left, Jemima on the right

Marj and Dottie with her floppy comb


Yes I actually sat and allowed her to do this, granted the old sink was full of weeds, hilarious to watch, not so good to sweep up after


Fresh from a dust bath, Jemima


Some more communal dust bathing


Jemima on her chair, very interested in camera, red beak from eating beetroot!


Jemima, my little lap sitter.

As you can see most are of Jemima, she is just into everything and lets me get really close without shying away. She is constantly trying to get on my lap, shoulder or anywhere she can 'on me' the other two are much more reserved.

The photos don't really show it but their combs are getting redder to the naked eye too.

Three adorable chooks, I'm biased I know :-D
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by Mo »

Biased? So you should be.
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Re: Shucks! chooks!! Jemima, Marjory and Dottie

Post by stripeddonkey »

Great photos of your lovely girls.

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