Jem's attempt at growing her own!

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Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

Apologies for the length of this first entry! This first post is going to be a photo dump of horribleness - the idea is that putting photos on of things as they are now will shame me into making things better! It will also include a list of what I plan to grow where - please feel free to let me know if things could be done better - I'm very much a novice gardener!

First job - greenhouse! It has become a dumping ground so needs clearing out, cleaning and some sort of work bench putting in.



I was hoping to plant in the left hand bed but it appears it is concrete underneath the gravel so growbags will go down the left hand side for my tomatoes (Flamingo). Along the back will be my cucumber (Emilie). The right hand side will be the 'work' area. All I have currently that can go here to work on is a paste table which I think will be adequate but I won't have anywhere to put things that have been sown/potted on - will need to think about that one!

To the left of the greenhouse, on the slabs & gravel, will be sacks of spuds (Anya, Stemster & Apache).


One raised beds will have wigwams of beans (Broad - Karmazyn, French - Isabel). The area around the wigwam will have beetroot (Solist). Pic is of 2 years ago:


The other bed will have cabbage (Dutchman) and broccoli (Inspiration).

The garlic is in already (next to the pot) and the onion sets (Red Baron) will be put in the remaining space.


Peas (Boogie), courgette (Eightball), squash (Butterbush), lettuce (Salad bowl mixed) will all go in pots in various places in the garden.



The last pic is of the new flowerbed that needs something growing up it - going to have fun picking things to fill the border this year!

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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by Annie »

Bravo Jemma, that you can even think of your garden while we are still in the midst of this awful wet winter.
Your greenhouse looks immaculate compared to mine but every autumn I say the same thing, which is, this winter I will keep it tidy but because the greenhouse is nearer the back door than the shed is , everything ends up in it }hairout{
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

Thanks Annie, it's great to be back! Now that I am not working I have no excuse for things not to be done! Planning the garden/veggies means I can sit with a cuppa & pen/paper instead of doing housework - oops!!
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Mrs B

Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by Mrs B »

Your garden looks very tidy, please can you wave your magic wand over mine +f+
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

That's because it has gone from being an eyesore to the landlord doing some work on it & putting gravel down to hide any imperfections! It really has helped!
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by lancashire lass »

)app( it sounds like you are getting organised. I have to confess that my greenhouses tend to get abandoned as soon as the last tomato or chilli has been lifted but last year I made a big effort to get them emptied and ready for the new season. I usually start looking at the state of the greenhouses during a warm sunny day and often get broiled - I think I'm finally learning that it need not be a chore.

I have a pasting board in my back bedroom under the south facing window where my overwintered chillies are currently residing but come warmer weather, it is transformed into a "nursery" with all the seedlings. May I recommend you prop something under the middle bit to support the weight - I've had some near accidents before now LOL
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

Thanks for that LL - would have been just my luck to have it all collapse!
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by mrs boodles »

Good luck with growing this year Jem, love your greenhouse, we have tried tohave the heavy plastic ones in garden and it does`nt matter where we put it the wind gets it. Even though we live in built up area wind is horrendous at times even in summer.
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

Our garden is like a wind tunnel but just have to try to adapt to it and put things where they will be most sheltered. The greenhouse was there already & is not pristine but then it doesn't have to be - just need to replace one glass panel this year and it should be structurally sound enough - not worried about pretty!! Maybe what you save in Frugal Feb, followed by Miserly March and Ain't Going To Spend April can go towards a little greenhouse Mrs Boodles?! )j;
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by fishpond » ... 162040.jpg" Raspberries spring to mind or even sweetpeas undersown with strawberries
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by mrs boodles »

Hi Jem, hubby has offered to buy me a proper greenhouse in the past but I would feel dreadful if it got ruined cos of wind so we have just tried these plastic ones. hope I get a bit of dosh saved from frugal feb as I want to buy some big containers for the garden this year.
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

Thanks for the suggestion Fishpond - will definitely look into that. Haven't decided whether to go foody or pretty flowery things in that bit yet but rasps do sound tempting! Mrs Boodles, I do hope you get your big pots - they are so versatile, I could do with loads more so will have to see what I can do!
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by jemberelli »

I now have my potatoes chitting in the kitchen. This weekend chilli & tomato seeds will be started off. The greenhouse has been cleared of stuff but now needs weeding & cleaning - tried to get the chooks to weed it the other day but they gave up! Getting a load of lovely compost from my dad which will save me having to buy any - will swap for bean plants etc once they are established.

Decided on raspberry for growing up the black fence, will sow some flowers in front to fill up the border. (Have Cosmos, Livingstone Daisy & Rudbekia seeds). Never grown rasps before so will be having a good read up to make sure I get it right!

Quick question - do I grow the flower seeds as I would veggie seeds or can I just scatter them?!
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by billnorfolk »

So i thought i would pay you a visit and see how its all going,must say its very very tidy ,realy like your raised beds ,with my artheritus would suit me down to the ground,could work them sitting on a chair. )t' I find for my Tomatoes big pots from the £1 shop work well just check they have a few drain holes in the bottom,if not gently drill some but be carefull they dont crack.Still use the contents of a grow bag usually 3pots to one growbag )t'
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Re: Jem's attempt at growing her own!

Post by billnorfolk »

Quick question - do I grow the flower seeds as I would veggie seeds or can I just scatter them?!

Realy depends on the weather livingston daisy will do better set in pots in the greenhouse till last frost gone, as they love sun hate the cold )t'
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