boodles garden diary 2013

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mrs boodles
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

Post by mrs boodles »

Sunday started off and finished tidying up around the new bed, gave it a bit of a rake but amazing how hard it had got, planted two rhubarb plants for hubby.

Monday, rained overnight so going to rake again, but not much else can do outside if wet, going to get some beans sown maybe today.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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To tired to do anything yesterday but today I did a bit. Have two half barrels that I put canes in and grow beans in so today I weeded them and put in some new compost. I moved some grow bags and sowed my climbing beans, runner beans and borlotti beans, marigolds and mint. Only really got courgettes to plant, that will be tomorrow hopefully.
Its been a lovely day here and a joy to be doing things.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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Sun shining today again, so done a bit in garden. Courgette bed finished and cat repellant put down as they have been using it as a toilet. Now to start on the bigger bit of garden.
Bought 3 tomato plants on Sunday from place where we bought the poopy doop eggs. Got other tomatoes through at home, patty pan squash through and repotted into bigger pots. Borlotti beans through and so are climbing beans. Runner beans taking a bit longer to germinate, oh and spaghetti squash through and repotted. lots of crystal apple cucumber through as well. Hoping to grow the cucumber and patty pan upwards on frame instead of ground. Also courgettes and cut and come again lettuce sown yesterday.
Well pleased so far with everything. Think the nice weather makes it all so much more positive.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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Cat repellant total waste of money, glad hubby paid for it, big pile of poopy doop on my nice new bed. off in a minute to buy some netting to go over it (not the poopy doop {rofwl} but the bed) and see if that keeps the bl...dy cats off.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

Post by lancashire lass »

mrs boodles wrote: big pile of poopy doop on my nice new bed. off in a minute to buy some netting to go over it (not the poopy doop but the bed)

LOL - yes, cats do like it when you dig and break the soil up nicely so that it is easier for them to scoop a hole out. I find obstructions dotted about (old useless brittle canes, old twiggy pea sticks, broken trellising spread out ... anything that breaks up their silly turning around on the spot or digging a hole seems to do the trick. Netting should be fine too. Once plants become established then cats are usually not interested in the bed after that.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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could`nt do much digging yesterday and hope hubby will do the last little bit for me. Have an area that has got high grassy stuff on it and the ground is going to be so hard now so its going to get strimmed and covered and I will use that for stuff being done in tubs.
My windowsills are full of stuff that have germinated and growing well and on the sitting room floor have some tomato plants that are in there final pots but need to stay indoors for quite a while.

I can see the garden coming together very slowly and it is my goal this year to get it sorted and I will get it done.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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Potted in garden perle and tigerella tomato seedlings today, not sure if they will do though, looking a bit pathetic. Might just go out and get some more tomato plants, yes know its cheating but better to be safe than sorry. If my tomatoes do pick up I am going to have so many it will be ridiculous. Runner beans and french climbing beans desperately need to be planted out, they are starting to look like triffids but the wind is really quite strong, might risk it tomorrow if weather is a bit better. still got some chilli seedlings and marigolds to pot on also thessaloniki tomatoes ready to go into final pots. Have planted out dwarf borlotti beans last week but have them covered with plastic bottles to give them a bit of protection.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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Have planted the runner bean plants but have had to come in as so windy and chilly, at least if they get battered there is time to re do. Just need a week of good weather to get it all done.
Its pretty disheartening this weather is`nt it.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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Well, looked out window and wind has basically ruined all beans I put out yesterday and other week, going to resow this weekend and hope that by time ready to go out weather will have got better {rofwl} I will sort this bl..dy garden out and get it sorted.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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well we have bodged a shelter for stuff at side of our little shed and all plants from house are now outside hopefully acclimatising, they should be alright but the blinking wind just makes things a lot more difficult, absolutely no real shelter in my garden. I had two trays of tomato plants, they are going to be chucked, they just have`nt grown at all and are tiny but have got some others that are doing ok.

Still lots to do, so if weather reasonable will be out for a little while tomorrow doing stuff although have promised to drive hubby up to see his bees tomorrow.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

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Have been out in garden last two days. seating area done yesterday along with weeding, (still some to do tomorrow). Today have planted out a spaghetti squash, patty pan squash and courgettes. Also potted on about 12 sweet peppers.
so all in all pleased with what has been done, just hope it all survives.
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Re: boodles garden diary 2013

Post by mrs boodles »

Too much going on in everyday life to worry too much about garden but got out there yesterday and weeded and watered and tidied.
Hope to get bit more done today at some stage.
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