Scratching & licking skin

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Scratching & licking skin

Post by Mercedes »

Till recently we've never had a problem with Daisy's skin but I think something is going on but have no idea what. A couple of weeks ago I noticed the odd small tuft of hair on the carpet, which is unusual as being a shih tzu she doesn't shed. For the last week or so she's been scratching and licking her flank area on both sides.

I don't normally use Advocate on her, in fact haven't used any chemicals on her for over a year, but to be on the safe side I did use my last dose of that on her in case she had fleas or something, although there was nothing to indicate she did have anything. I've had a good look at the skin beneath where she is licking and it's not sore or red, yet still she carries on licking it and making the hair all matt and dull. I've heard of shih tzu's and similar breeds getting 'hot spots' but I don't think that is what she has as there is no redness at all.

I put a tiny bit of organic coconut oil in her food this morning, but don't want to give her too much as I know there is already some in the food she eats, just don't know how much. I normally use a herbal anti flea product on her and I've seen they do a 'leave in' shampoo for skin problems and thought about trying that.

I really don't want to go to the vet as my faith in them has been sorely tested since we got Daisy and I don't want her being prescribed anything too potent or being told she has something just so they can charge us an arm and a leg. Just wondered if anyone has heard of anything like this before >coc<
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by wendy »

Oh dear skin problems are an absolute pain.
If it was a hot spot. There is usually a round red ring. Have you looked on the Shih Tzu sites to see if there is something peculiar to them ?
Of course if she keeps licking it then it will get sore. So many things it could be, you may have to go to the vet. :?

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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Mercedes »

Thanks Wendy, I did phone the breeder as she has 12 shih tzus and I thought she might be able to tell me what it could be. She's had hot spots on Daisy's sister but apparently they are very red and sore and so far whatever Daisy has doesn't appear to be like that. However I know that if she keeps scratching and licking it will just get worse, which was why I was hoping to find a way to nip it in the bud. I know one of those lampshade collars would stop her, but it wouldn't solve the problem and I don't think dog's like having them on, so don't think we will go down that route.

I'll hopefully get the special herbal stuff next week and see if that helps, if not a trip to the vet it will have to be and I know for sure the vet will find a way to blame it all on her lack of booster or because she eats raw food, so I may have to ask to see one of the other vets :?
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by wendy »

Yes you have to be strong with determined vets.
I can let you know who my vet is and he is OK with raw etc. etc. Only lives in Kenton.
Do you think it could be anal glands as it is both sides. Does she smell a bit fishy at all ?

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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Mercedes »

I don't think it's her anal glands Wendy as she is licking her side bits and not her bum, although I have no idea if licking there could be a symptom of it! She is due for her grooming on Saturday and I normally ask the groomer to just check her anal glands and not just empty them routinely as I think it encourages them to keep filling up again if they are always emptied. They do say that dogs fed raw don't get anal gland problems, but I think that's probably a generalisation. Can't smell any fish though, although now of course I will be having a good sniff of her {rofwl}
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by wendy »

They don't only lick their rear. My William always chewed the same place on the underside of his foot. As it is both sides, just thought it might be.
Worth asking your groomer to empty them . She may know if it isn't them.
They don't always smell fishy if their glands need emptying, but can do.

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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Mercedes »

Well we checked again last night and eventually did find a round red patch so I guess it is hot spots she is suffering from. I actually thought giving her a raw diet, staying away from chemicals and always keeping her well groomed would all avoid her getting them, guess I was wrong. I don't there there is anything we can do to treat it at home now she has them, so a trip to the vet it is :?
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Gwenoakes »

Maybe, maybe not this but looking in depth re Lexi and her slight skin/ear problem before the rest followed I have learnt the following:-

A systemic infection anywhere in the body can and does appear as what seems to be a skin allergy which vets invariably treat as an allergy, not looking any further.

Systemic infections can and do travel throughout the body and with the skin being the largest part of any animal is where it can show up.

Did you say some time ago that she had an upset tummy or something? Sorry this is from memory which isnt so good, so could be totally on the wrong track.

Lexi had hot spots when she had been to hydro and it was because she was very difficult to dry, especially around the rear end, so poss that from the grooming?!?
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by wendy »

Some of my Akita's got hot spots. Nothing to do with diet as all my dogs have always been fed raw and only some of the Akita's had them.
I can't remember what I put on them, as it was a good few years ago since my Kai died. It was a cream, what does your Shih Tzu forum say ?

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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Mercedes »

Didn't really get much response on the shih tzu forum Wendy, the main one on fb is closing down and the only other one I belong to just said to go to the vet :?
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by wendy »

I have had a look online for 'treating hotspots on Shih Tzu' and there are so many different things.
If you groomer is coming I would see what she recommends. Strange that there is a hot spot both sides though :?

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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Mercedes »

I take my hat off to you Wendy {hug} , you hit the nail on the head first time. The vet said Daisy's anal glands were not just full but HUMONGOUS! He thinks she has been trying to scratch them and as she can't reach them she's been scratching her sides instead and also she had some redness underneath her. He emptied them, so now I know what you mean by a 'fishy' smell as it was gross, then gave her a steroid injection.

He recommended we put some fibre in her diet as he thinks a raw diet causes anal gland issues, never heard that one before. He suggested bran but that's a carbohydrate so I'm not sure >coc<
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by wendy »

I am glad it was sorted that quickly. It does smell awful doesn't it ? yike*
A new one to me..... raw diet causing anal gland problems :? My Josie had mild colitis and didn't have any veg etc. Nothing other than 3lb of food a day. Never had to empty her glands. In fact Lyn I have had 16 dogs all of whom have had a raw diet, even before they 'discovered' it and only William had to have his glands emptied )grin2(
Bran ? dunno really up to you.

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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Spreckly »

Glad you've got Daisy sorted, Lynn. Anal glands yike* yike*
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Re: Scratching & licking skin

Post by Gwenoakes »

Glad you got her sorted out.

Sounds like a good vet.......not. Doesnt he know that dogs cannot process grain?
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