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Post by kitla »

I was watching the activity around the bird table this morning & a pair of Jackdaws
were on the lawn. The male pecked at the lawn till he found a worm then gave the
female a sideways stare (& probably made a noise I couldn't hear), & stepped
back so she could eat the worm. I was taken with how it was like the way a
cockerel finds food for the hens & calls them over the same way. I always thought
pairs of Jackdaws hung around together, (probably all related,) but having read a bit
about them I see that they live as a flock with a flock leader & some sort of hierarchy,
which makes them much more interesting to watch.I shall be watching them closely
at the bird table now to see if I can work out which is the boss.
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Re: Jackdaws

Post by Richard »

Hi Kitla

There's a lot of Jackdaws where I house sit.

Wonderful birds, but they can look a bit evil sometimes can't they. Great to watch, especially around the bird table.

Couple of youngsters..


Richard )t'
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Re: Jackdaws

Post by HedgeHugger »

Why evil?
I like Jackdaws, like their blue/grey eyes.
Certainly cheeky :)
I see them hanging upside down on the fatball feeders next door puts out for the sparrows.
For some reason we had one in the house when I was a young'un. Only for a day, maybe it was a young one itself. What made it most memorable was it was sat on my mum's shoulder. It left a lovely streak down her dressing gown! ooops :-D
Oh how we laughed :)
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Re: Jackdaws

Post by Richard »

hehe. It's those eyes, kind of remind me of a Damien movie yike*

They are very clever, strange thing is they mix quite well withe the other Garden Birds.

Richard )t' )t'
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Re: Jackdaws

Post by Gwenoakes »

When I was young we lived on a large housing estate right in the middle of town. Everytime Gran used to hang the washing out this beautiful Jackdaw came and sat on her shoulder and tried to peck the wart on her neck. I, being young used to laugh, but Gran wasnt quite so pleased as a few times it drew blood.

Strange what you remember from childhood, eh?
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Re: Jackdaws

Post by Mo »

As a teenager my parents used to take a group of us from the church youth club on holiday (hire camp bads, sleep in church halls). Busman's holiday for my father as he was a hospital cook.
A couple of years we stayed in Mullion, Cornwall and a favourite walk was along the cliff to Kynance (and then Lizard?? I'm sure we went that far at least once). The cafe at Kynance did an excellent cream tea, and there was a tame jackdaw that hopped around entertaining us.
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