compost bin

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compost bin

Post by amber66 »

I have just received my plastic compost bin and would like to ask some questions on how to use it please.
1. Does it matter where you place it ie: in the shade or sun?
2. What can i put into it (chicken droppings) and what should i avoid?
3. When i had one many years ago the grass clippings and other garden waste did not rot down so i must have been doing something wrong!
4. Does it need any maintenance or do i just leave it alone and just add the waste as and when?
Sorry for the stupid questions but want to get it right this time.
Many thanks.
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lancashire lass
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Re: compost bin

Post by lancashire lass »

It doesn't really matter whether in shade or sun, but to be fair the extra heat would probably speed things along.

The problem with grass is that you need to layer it with "brown" waste - that is, a layer of something like cardboard or paper, then a layer of grass cuttings (don't make it too deep), and then another layer of brown material. In fact generally that should apply to all compostable waste - you want to create air pockets so that you don't get anaerobic fermentation (that's what makes it smell foul like sewage)

Basically anything goes in, even weeds. You can put woody stuff in but to be honest this is going to take a long time to break down - you could make this your "brown" waste (like twigs), and if you can chip it down into smaller pieces, then better still.

Avoid cooked food (and especially fatty stuff which is not going to compost down) - the main reason is vermin will be attracted. Crushed egg shells are good, adding manure (and especially er ... urine) can help to hasten composting. Keep it damp more so in summer during the hottest period when there is a risk of it drying out - spray water over and let it soak in. Another accelerator is comfrey which you find a lot on allotments - just add leaves (avoid the stalky bit at the end as this can root, and especially avoid seed heads) and is a good source of minerals (the roots go deep and able to access them in sub layers unlike most other plants).

Ideally you should have 2 bins - about once or twice a year, you should "turn it over" so that the new stuff is on the bottom with the older stuff on top. By forking it over, you also add more air to the mix to keep it sweet and avoid that anaerobic situation. But other than that, just let it get on with it and you should end up with lovely compost (within weeks during very warm weather, but will rapidly slow down over winter and stop altogether when very cold)
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Re: compost bin

Post by amber66 »

Thank you Lancashire Lass for your reply. I think that was where i was going wrong last time, not enough of the different layers.
I will be positioning it behind my garage it is not in full sun but there again not in deep shade so hopefully that should be ok.
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Re: compost bin

Post by KarenE »

Amber, get a male relative or friend to wee on it, it's got to be male urine. It really helps. And turn it. We were rubbish with ours but last year hubby weed and turned it, and we added shredded paper and now we have lovely compost
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Re: compost bin

Post by amber66 »

Thanks for the reply Karen, I have two males in the house so i will get them to "spend a penny" for me. How often will they need to do this?
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lancashire lass
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Re: compost bin

Post by lancashire lass »

KarenE wrote:get a male relative or friend to wee on it

there's a bit of confusion when it comes to urinating on garden projects {rofwl} Please let me explain.

Male urine contains testosterone which in the right places will deter male foxes from entering a garden (don't expect it to totally protect foraging chickens though) I believe but not entirely sure but also deer as well. Dog (male) does the same.

Now all urine (male or female, any animal) contains by products such as urea which is a high nitrogen source (from protein degradation in the body) as well as other valuable salts and a low pH. This will encourage soil bacteria and fungi to multiply quickly (when you hear of woody material on garden soil "robbing" it of nitrogen, it is actually the bacteria and fungi taking it) and so the more there are of these, the more quickly they will break the compost down. When the food source is depleted, they then die back and it is their cellular breakdown which returns the nitrogen back to the soil.

amber66 wrote:Thanks for the reply Karen, I have two males in the house so i will get them to "spend a penny" for me. How often will they need to do this?

As often as you like though I wouldn't put gallons of it down - just be aware that there is a risk that too much and it will start to smell like a urinal LOL
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Re: compost bin

Post by Mo »

The other advantage is the male plumbing which makes collection/direction easier. Agree that for compost either would do.
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Re: compost bin

Post by amber66 »

Thank you all for your replies.
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