Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

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Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by Spreckly »

I have one pair of black trousers, which I wear for "best". They are polyester, I think, and pick up dog hair every time I wear them. I have a normal old fashioned clothes brush, which does get rid of most of the hair, but it is very hard work, and after half an hour of brushing, followed by a pile of ironing, my back is needing a rest!

Dog lovers - have you any remedies? I know that sellotape can do the job, and I do have a very ancient lint pet hair remover, but neither are 100% satisfactory.

Help, please.
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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by Kazgaz »

Rubber gloves - the ones your use for washing up. I have Bengal cats with very fine fur and I just put my gloves on and brush in one direction - you end up with a clump and a hair free duvet cover or clothing.
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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by kitla »

I always keep a couple if these sticky rollers handy. ... lsrc=aw.ds" onclick=";return false;
I'm sure you can get them from £ shops or B&M cheaper. They're the same
principal as sellotape but much easier to use. My teenage son always wears black
so he has his own roller!
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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by Meanqueen »

Sorry, I can't answer your question. You had half an hour of brushing with a clothes brush ! yike* I have 3 cats and a dog, the dog isn't the problem but an old cat is shedding that many hairs I could stuff a cushion with them. {rofwl}

The way I deal with it is to suck up the worst with the dieson, not directly off the cat's back, ha ha, off the floor. Any I miss, and it is a lot, I just live with it. Any that get on my clothes I shake them outdoors. If I don't get rid of them all I don't stress. I have a few cat hairs on my clothing, so what?

It's hopeless trying to keep a spotlessly clean and hair free home if you have animals, unless you want to be a slave to housework. I can think of better things to do. I have selective vision, I don't see what I don't want to see.

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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by wendy »

My only advice is, and I always do it...............................................




Never, ever, ever, ever wear BLACK !!!!!

If you can't be a good example........
you will just have to be a horrible warning
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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by Mo »

Wendy & Ilona )like(

I'm not so bothered about cat hairs (though I do keep the spare bedroom door shut); for 2 reasons.

1) Cat muddy footprints drive me mad - why does he walk over any sheet of paper, form etc that I leave out.

2) Long grey Mo-hairs, seem to get everywhere and clog up the roller of the vac. Leading to much swearing as I struggle to remove it, clear it, and struggle even more to put it back together.
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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by Spreckly »

Just to clarify - I spent half an hour brushing my best and only pair of black trousers, and ironing, not half an hour brushing my trousers!!

Thank you all for your advice. I had forgotten about the rubber glove remedy, I think trainers were another! The cheapie shop was selling the roller pet hair removers. I have got three in a packet for a pound. Will try one of them out, or a rubber glove when I next wear the trousers.
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Re: Getting rid of dog hairs!!!!!

Post by HedgeHugger »

Shoes with rubber bottoms are great for giving the carpet a bit of a scrape. It was scary how much fur a 2 minute shuffle and scrape could release from the rugs. At least half a ferret full :)

Rubber gloves are great for giving sofas and chairs a quick rub down too. A bit of dampness can also help.
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