Home hairdressing

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Home hairdressing

Post by Meanqueen »

I coloured my hair yesterday, I usually cut it first then colour, but I thought I would leave it as it's not annoying me just yet. I don't like it in my face so sometimes I can get away with just trimming the front, in between whole head cuts.

I have always coloured my hair at home, the prices at hairdressers is more than I want to pay, and I hate sitting in hairdressers anyway. I got fed up of having to take my hearing aid out and take my glasses off, then trying to work out what the hairdresser was trying to say to me. Half the time they want to chat, and I just want my hair cutting and get out of there, so I gave up and now do it myself at home.

Anyone else do their own hair, or get family and friends to do each others?

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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by lancashire lass »

Looks great MQ )like(

I do cut my own hair, more for economic reasons - the last time, the hairdresser spent more time massaging my scalp and tossing my hair and taking little snips off. By the time she'd finished, there was hardly enough hair on the floor to fill an egg cup, and charged me £40 for it!

Meanqueen wrote:Half the time they want to chat, and I just want my hair cutting and get out of there,

LOL sounds just like me - I've never been fond of going to the hairdresser, probably from an incident when I was very young and one of the women got freaked out about my hair ... very unsettling. Apparently she thought my "birthmark" was some illness (I've since learned it is called Poliosis (anyone remember "The Mallen Streak" written by Catherine Cookson? The photo in the wikipedia link is /was exactly like the one I have at the back of my head ... you can't see it quite the same now with all the other grey hair. Basically it is an inherited genetic condition where a patch of skin anywhere on the body has no pigment / melanin so never tans and hair is white. Not the same as vitiligo where skin loses its pigment and you see people, especially if dark skinned with patches of white skin) Ever since then I've been conscious of it and uncomfortable going to the hairdresser.
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by wildlifemad »

Well done Meanqueen! That looks lovely. We have a hairdresser come to the house so a lot less expensive than a salon! I haven't been in salon for about 15 years, I hated going there, sitting gossiping about mundane things isn't me I'm afraid & to cap it off I was charged about £20 for a cut, we now pay that for 2 cuts, I think it should be £17 but I always give her £20. Love the colour by the way.
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by Meanqueen »

I had a hairdresser come to the house a few years ago. It was better than going to a salon. I've been to the college for a cheap haircut, let the students practice on me, but they are so slow, it takes a lot longer. Suppose they have to be very careful.

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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by p.penn »

I cut and coloured my hair for years - just chopped it really short! I'm not able to do that any more, hence my hair has grown a lot! I have a friend who is happy just to neaten the ends.

What annoyed me about the hairdressers was that I have very fine hair and it takes no time to cut it. Still pay the same as someone with a mop!
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by HedgeHugger »

I cut my own hair. Have used clippers on it for the last 25+ years. I use a long setting, seven eighths of an inch, and clipper the lot off. I initially bought the clippers to use on my then 18 month old son but one day after a bit of hair tugging from a baby (mine) I lopped the lot off and have kept it that way ever since.
The one time I've gone into a hairdresser for a cut was for a 'repair' on a home cut when drunk, oops :) cut a couple of chunky steps in that needed remedying hehe.
I dye my own too. Prefer fun and funky colours to more natural ones. So pink and purple isn't unusual.

Recently I bought a cheap dye from Home B*rgains, Lilac it said, just wanted a quick colour change so didn't prelighten the darker hair, enough grey there to cover ..... I have blue hair. I was expecting purple, but it's a delicate shade of blue. Luckily I have an open mind when it comes to hair colour lol :)

Hubby had long hair for years, but when I bought some new clippers he wanted it all cut off, to christen the clippers.. I was nervous just in case he hated it, but he has seen the light and totally understands the benefits of a cropped mop. Neither of us have used a hairbrush for years now :) The comb only comes out for trimming purposes.
Another benefit is no long hair getting stuck in the hoover!
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by Mo »

HedgeHugger wrote:
Recently I bought a cheap dye from Home B*rgains, Lilac it said, just wanted a quick colour change so didn't prelighten the darker hair, enough grey there to cover ..... I have blue hair. I was expecting purple, but it's a delicate shade of blue. Luckily I have an open mind when it comes to hair colour

I'd love to see that.
HedgeHugger wrote:Another benefit is no long hair getting stuck in the hoover!

Yes, I do spend a lot of time unwinding mine from the roller when I can't push it.

At least when it's long I can put it in a bunch and get a straight clip with a pair of scissors - easier than starting at one side then finding it's crooked or jagged. It needs it now.
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by albertajune »

I was a hair stylist and have always cut and coloured my own hair; and permed it when perming was fashionable.
I haven't done it for economical reasons, just that I don't always like the way other hairdressers work. I don't colour any more as the hair colourants started to irritate . Just wonder what happened to the old water rinses. I do on the odd occasion make myself one with cake colouring which I have now got down to a fine art.
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by manda »

Yep same here ..I colour and cut my own..well actually I get my husband to hep me because I have highlights (no block colour) so he pulls the hair through for me. Every now and again I go to the hairdresser to get the ends done because it's got a length for me that makes it difficult to get to the ends properly. Once it's longer I'll do it myself completely.
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(¸.✰´¨(¸.✰ Manda

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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by Meanqueen »

Yesterday it was time for a haircut. Now that feels a lot better.

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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by gammidose2 »

Now you can save a fortune. )like(
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by Meanqueen »

Six months later........still cutting and colouring my hair.



Total cost, £1 for the colour, plus hot water. I'm chuffed.

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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by Freeranger »

I once made an appointment as a hairdresser's model for them to practise on. She took so long that I learned myself how to shape it all properly, and cut it myself after that. I now have a neck injury and can't hold my arms over my shoulders for long enough to do it, but I can keep the fringe in shape for long enough to eek out a haircut. Much cheaper! I also use a well-known spray highlighting product if I want to lighten it, and have my own mallan streak that I kid myself looks distinguished!
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Re: Home hairdressing

Post by Mo »

Mine is kept long enough to tie back in a bunch. I used to ask one of the family to cut it, to get it even at the back. Now I keep it in the elastic band and chop it across. Comes out level.
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