Mollie & Edna

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Legendary Laner
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Mollie & Edna

Post by Gwenoakes »

Molly is Clare's 19 year old cat who was diagnosed just over a week ago with tonsillitis. She was prescribed penycyllin (def spell) to which she had an allergic reaction which made her itch incessantly, pulling out clumps of her fur. Went back to the vet and he suggested to leave her and see how it went without any medication and she is quite a bit better, but still has periods where she coughs, but is still eating. So onwards and upwards with that one.
Edna is a 23 yr old Welsh Sec D pony who has not been herself over the last couple of days, nothing definite and hard to pin point, just not quite right, lethargic, not eating properly.
Vet came out this p.m. could not find anything definite, all major organs working well including gut and heart, so she thinks it could be Cushings disease which apparently older horses get, so bloods taken for her and to monitor her till the results come back hopefully tomorrow.
Apparently Cushings can show up in three different ways, laminitis, curly coat or dull and not quite right. If it is Cushings she will be on medication for the rest of her life, so onwards and upwards with this one too.
Who would have animals, eh?
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Re: Mollie & Edna

Post by albertajune »

Oh dear Gwen it is all happening at the same time with double the worry. As you say 'who would have animals'. They are such a joy most of the time but a worry when not well. If only they could tell us when feeling unwell. Sadly by the time we notice they are really unwell.
I do hope that Molly and Edna are soon feeling more comfortable and on the way to a full recovery. {hug}
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Re: Mollie & Edna

Post by Gwenoakes »

Thank you, June.
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Re: Mollie & Edna

Post by Mo »

My grandson bought (well, my daughter bought) a pony which he won his pony club class on first time out. Then we had the equine flu scare and he had to have his jabs. He has never been right since, puffs and wheezes when ridden. Vet tried various tests finally suggested 3 months rest. They are just trying to get him fit again but think he is still not right.
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