This coming year I fully intend.....

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Dorrens daughter
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This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

to buy no new clothes, I've more than enough stuff to last me a life time so no more, however I will continue to use old t-shirts cut up for cleaning cloths and so on and you never know I may even collect enough bits and bobs to make a rag rug.

this coming year I'll learn a new DIY skill such as tileing or something, some of the larger DIY stores used to hold free classes so I'll look them up.

I'll not waste food, not that I'm in the habit of doing so anyway.

I'll continue to prepare for our move to Bulgaria because for me since B**xit everything seems to have shifted to the right and I want to live in a tolerant, caring society, now I'm not saying Bulgaria is that but it is a place where I can live up to my values and aspirations.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by wendy »

I just want some peace..........for me

and it would be nice for everyone, but sadly many Countries will still be warring.

If you can't be a good example........
you will just have to be a horrible warning
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Mo »

Dorrens daughter wrote:I'll continue to prepare for our move to Bulgaria because for me since B**xit everything seems to have shifted to the right and I want to live in a tolerant, caring society, now I'm not saying Bulgaria is that but it is a place where I can live up to my values and aspirations.

Is Bulgaria part of the EU? (why don't I google - Ok- oh it is). So will that stop you moving there? I know EU people, including a friend of mine who has lived here for decades, are having to jump through all sorts of hoops to stay. And even though she is now a british citizen she is still not being treated the same when she applies for agency work teaching. Told she needs to produce this that and the other document (and not all the Belgian documents are the same so another chance for discrimination) Politicians are quick to promise but slow to act.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Gwenoakes »

I hope everyone gets peace, Wendy. The last few years looking on this forum have been anything but peaceful for many. {hug&kiss}
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

Bulgaria remains in the EU thankfully, before it became part of the EU anyone from aboard wishing to buy property had to set up a holding company and submit annual tax returns. We bought our little village house after it joined the EU so own property in our own names, we will apply for residency when we go in February which means that we'll be able to stay as long as we want, the current limit is 90 continuous days just like many other countries.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Mo »

I don't really know much about it, but if it were me I'd want to get it all sorted before we leave the EU on Jan 31st.
Not saying they will be the same as us, but I do know EU citizens living here have felt discriminated against since the referendum.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

Tell me about it Mo, I live in an area well served by people from all over the world but just lately it seems that heavens knows what, has crawled out from under a rock, nasty nasty, racist behaviour which some think is now perfectly acceptable well not on my watch, to me there's only one race and its human. Or put another way "those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it", we will all inevitably "reap what we sow".
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

So we returned from Bulgaria last Monday to discover a another leak in the bathroom ceiling coming from the flat above which took the housing department over a week to fix, as this is the third leak in as many months hopefully they've managed to stop it now.
Anyway the big throw out has re-commenced, all my home wine making kit found a new home at my eldest sons house and will be split between him and his brother in law, believe me there was loads.
My Kilner Jars have been put on Freegle and I've had to split them into two loads to meet the demand for them hopefully the first lot will go tonight. As we intend to eventually move to Bulgaria it seemed a bit daft to take Kilner Jars to preserving jar central everywhere in Bulgaria sell jars and I've already bought loads with replacement lids from Lidl in the nearest town so no need to take these.
I've also replied to a request for paint on Freegle so to large tins should also be exciting the flat soon and posted a large oval enamel roasting tin with lid which so far has failed to excite but hopefully will go soon.
So regarding my desire to off-load some well hopefully most of my hoarded belongings this year and gain space I'm off to a good start.
We're back in Bulgaria for a week early next month to collect our residents permits but we're not sure how long they'll be issued for due to ............come on ...all together BREXIT boo hopefully we'll get the maximum five years but then again we may only get to the end of this year.
Now I'm off to cull some more of my surplus stuff.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by fabindia »

There was a guy who used to post here that was living in Bulgaria but not sure he's around any more.

Anyway, sounds like an adventure so good luck with it I say.

Wendy and I have been living abroad for nearly 4 years now and although it has it challenges we really do like it. We have been in Thailand for a couple of years now and although it's not our favourite place in the world (I would choose Sri Lanka I think) it is relatively easy to live here. The sea is fantastic and warm here and I get to dive on coral reefs regularly which can't be a bad way to spend your retirement.

I must admit Bulgaria does sound attractive but I think it might be a bit too cold for us in the winter. do you intend staying all year round or do you plan on coming back over winter?
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

Let me assure you Michael, believe it or not Bulgaria, at least the bit where we have our house is considerable warmer and dryer than it is here "up north " in the UK, here its 3c feels like 1c and snowing, in our Bulgarian village which is two hours ahead its 11c feels like 9c and partly cloudy, tomorrow its forecast to be 18c and part cloudy while here its forecast to be 5c with rain and snow.
We will relocate there when we're able and return to the UK for holidays, there's nothing much to be missed in the UK and I took husbands medication list into the village chemist and everything was available, nine items cost just under £28. When we're living there we will take out Bulgarian health insurance at a cost of around £10 each a month which entitles us to free prescriptions however will not cover existing conditions, but at £28 for two months supply it wont break the bank.
We will be self sufficient in fruit and veg and anything else we need we can pick up from either the village shops, the village market or Lidl in the next town.
Now I just need to make more effort to learn the language.
Oh and we're about 30minutes by bus from the seaside even quicker by car.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

Oh and council tax is £32 per year which covers weekly bin collections and street lighting, there's no TV licence fee, broadband unlimited for £125 a year and cheap water and electric, beer bought in the local shop is £1.15 for two litres. But best of all is the peace and quiet.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by fabindia »

Don't know whether I'd like to dive in the Black Sea - too cold for me - lol.

We went to Istanbul, Turkey last year, where we love the food and the people. Not sure it would be a great destination in terms of settling there for while, the political situation seems a little unstable.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

I've heard that a number of Brits living in Turkey have successfully relocated to Bulgaria, one of the families said that they were in heaven because they could get pork!!
The Black Sea will be cold at this time of the year but going by the current weather so is Blackpool swimming in season in Bulgaria is lovely though.
However Bulgaria isn't for everyone the cost of living is a lot more manageable but wages and pensions are very low even by our standards, in villages the houses have huge gardens to make up for this and most people, grow, preserve and keep chickens further up towards Sofia and Ruse village homes can be bought for considerably less than we paid for our home close to the coast but then their weather is much more extreme. Horses for courses.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by Dorrens daughter »

Well I've just moved my summer clothes out of the wardrobe and put the winter ones in and I am shamed of myself I have far too much stuff , much to much to ever wear and it seems from a study of my washing basket that I only ever wear 1 per cent of the whole lot. So as soon as the charity shops are open again for donations then the clear out begins.

I've also re-started freegling stuff again because eventually we will be moving to Bulgaria full time so I may as well start getting rid now, I've got rid of bedding, a dvd player that I cannot remember ever using, a kettle, kilner jars by the bag full and have just posted a pine shelving unit. Its going to take a while to get rid of all my accumulated unused stuff.
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Re: This coming year I fully intend.....

Post by fabindia »

I'm afraid that we have accumulated more "stuff" since we arrived back from Thailand in April. And now, with it seems little chance of getting back before winter sets in here, there is more stuff to buy.

We've already bought a rug for the sitting room (the wood floor is great but not cosy for the winter nights) and a tumble dryer. We also need to buy winter clothes :-(
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