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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Gwenoakes »

Your on a roll now, Bob. You go. )like(
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , it is times like I get to cocky and have a big fall .
But it does give me a chance to try a few different openings and moves in the game.
I am not very competitive person really as you can read .(ha , ha.)
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi 2 more games this last weekend.
Well I opened on my left side and took him by surprise (I was black.) He always opens pawn in the middle and to his left . This meant the board was turning clockwise . He was complete open on his left . I lost my queen when I took a bishop but then I took his castle with my horse . So I was up several pawns and 2 pieces to his queen and pawns .
I lost the queen to get the position advantage which I managed to follow through with my 2 castles and a bishop check mating and he not being able to move his queen to assist as trapped on my left side not moving as would be lost.
He saw the end in two moves and knocked his king over .
More surprising he stood and offered his hand and said well done . I shook hands and then he started to say he made a mistake . I stopped him dead and as always repeat do not take my skill away . and I said he was more than happy after that when he took my Queen and he thought he was on a winner ....
second game I opened on the right side again (black ) good game and had to think a lot to yet again get the winning moves . well played by both of us but it was a close game and I managed to take pieces of the board that he likes Horses and not weakening my position .
So 2 up making 13 - 6 . He now is despondent with a even larger gap to catch up with.
He is on holiday for a week so end of Feb be the next games.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , my chess player was due back from Spain (by plane) has had his flight cancelled till Monday.
Lucky devil got 2 extra days free holiday no doubt put up by the package tour?
Does not bother them much as not working and a small paid pensioner....
Next week maybe a replay .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

hi all , 2 games , very good games.
First game I gained position on the board opened up on my left , different opening . Attacked on the right side .
His queen attacked on the my left side and gained grond . I lost my queen and was at that point 4 pieces to his 8 . The 4 pieces I had taken was mostly pawns .
I was in a strong position but had to stop the attack on the right side to defend against his queen. I managed to trap his queen behind my line of defence , moved my king to a safer position .
I had to decide on what to do with the position of the queen . Took it out with a castle though I lost it in the process . This was a piece I was going to use on my attack . Pieces down and quality pieces going off the board , was looking bad .
I moved the pawn on the right wall side up to his piece on the second row.
He asked if I wanted to quit , me quit not likely .
I had a bishop on the black squares 2 pawns and a king .
He had a castle and a pawn and a king .
I was using the bishop to protect the king and attack his at the same time .
H was over confident .
Bottom line I was in a position where the castle was on the back line my bishop on the back line . his king one square away from my king protecting his pawn .
It was my move and could not move bishop as would be in check could not take his pawn as protected by king , could not move my pawn as blocked by his pawn . He declared he won as I could not move .
I said it was a draw and explained that it was my turn and could not move a piece .
This brought a fit on and a lot of blue air and a lot more studying the board .
so a hard fought draw 6.5 to 13.5 lead for me and a luck escape , of which any other player would have took greater advantage of.
Second game I will right up later as work calls .
I will say another very good game . Pieces are taking a lot longer to be taken now , but when they do it is quick and pretty brutal , if chess can be called that.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Right work done, Second game on Sunday , I opened again on the right hand side ,again many moves made before the taking of pieces . If smoke came from the wheels going round in our heads trying to get the upper hand it would have been black.
I attacked his left side drawing his pieces on his left over to defend leaving his left side (my right side weakened ) . I held a horse and a castle / bishop on the my right and then attacked in the centre .
Pawns on both sides had clogged the middle allowing the horse to protect the attacking castle and bishop .
It was not long before his feat was sealed and he knocked over his king and gave up.

I make it sound easy but it is taking me a lot more thought and getting positions right on the board now. If I get over stretched (Maybe confident ) I make bad moves . Mistakes as he would say . I do not make mistakes as that is putting a piece on the wrong square . I mean to do it , so it is a bad move .
He is shaking hands after the game now and thinking about the games and saying good things instead of negative ones.
He must be learning .
He has improved his opening positions , not to good in the middle at times and hopeless and the end game.
He is learning though which I tell him and advise him if possible after the game . During the game it would make it to hard as play against myself .
So now 6,5 to 14.5 . Gap larger than before.
I am terrible as before we start I say I can not remember the score .
During the game I will try and distract him from what I intend doing by saying that my king is in a weak position or I better move my queen or piece as being threatened.
This makes him think what am I up to and not what he should be doing .
Not sure if this is a sporting way of playing , but s... it Its fun watching him try and see something on the board before he takes a piece off .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

No games this weekend .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Next games likely to be Sat afternoon , Neutral ground as both going to a baby party .
Trouble is a 10 year old and another adualt player be there and he can beat them .
He does not like me helping them either .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Saturday , I was embossed by playing a game of chess and losing terribly , lost my queen by not thinking move through to his great pleasure . in it self not a fatal blow but I lost the will and he took a long time in getting me in check mate , even though I saw several opportunities to do so.
At least it has motivated him to play again soon .
So 7.5 to 14.5 to me . He could not remember the score but said I have it written down which did not come over to him well.(sure he remembered but did not want to say .
So next game soon on 2 chess board s . My has the letters and numbers his does not .
Lots of other bits but does not change my very bad playing . That is not an excuse just a fact and I said well played even though he made hard work of it which was painful to go through .
A garden chess set would work well wearing gloves.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

weather permitting another game or two . this weekend .
Will go into this more positively and not open on my left and stick to my normal winning opening moves .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Mo »

A B&B we stayed in (every year for a folk festival) had a big paving slab chess board in the garden.
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Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi , Mo , I looked at a large garden sets but could not justify the cost .
Well Sunday I played a game .
I returned to opening on my right side .
He opened white in the centre and my right .
He attacked my king with horse and his queen . I moved bishop left side to the castle left side and covered the knight`s next forward moves with Pawns , forced his queen to his right corner horse (my Left ) , Then protected it with his bishop effectively locking up his Queen . By Bishop was protected by a horse and if he took it would leave a piece down as the Queen that took it would be taken by a pawn . My knight was ready to move into Check making his queen lost . So he end making moves that I forced rather than a planned one .
In between his defensive moves I was attacking with more pieces leaving a queen and my castle on the right side checking and clearing his back line with little form of defence , Eventually again he saw no option of winning so knocked his king over .
I said what I was going to at the start , done what I was going to do , Won like I told him I was going to do .
He had no answer to the loss other than well done and a stare at the board .
Did not wish to play another game .
One point that was most obvious was that he took a good 5 minutes moving a piece , with great thought before hand .
I moved in minute , unless I was playing with his mind . I E looking worried about his last move and waving my hand about the board saying no , he has me there etc .
I spent time looking around the garden watching cats and wrens on nests and general chatting away to the ladies .
Enjoyable game .
Next time I aim thinking of doing a left side attack . Look up the book I have to see what opening moves are available .
Any suggestion s will always try them out.
Score 7,5 him 15.5 to me .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

No game last weekend , Just burnt my pizza, blast.
Tried playing myself but lost .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Mo »

You must have won, as well.
Dance caller.
Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Sandy game on .
Take me gently .
If you beat me please do not put it here I will not live it down and no fluttering your eyes to put me off, no giving me sweets , food as I move my pieces , no saying your not very good and no letting me win to make me feel better ….
See you soon .
PS no help from chickens either .
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