Ilona's Frugal February 2018

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

I put £40's worth of petrol in the car this morning and now I'm in Haworth. Been a walk, and spent £3.09 in the Spar shop for supplies for my dinner. Enough for tomorrow night as well. Macaroni cheese and a tin of mixed beans. I know how to live well, ha ha. )eat(

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

The purse stayed at the bottom of the rucksack today, didn't spend anything.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

I want to make a correction on the previous post, I said I didn't spend anything, then I remember I did. It's so easy to forget. When I unpacked my rucksack I found the plastic palette knives I bought for £2, (five assorted shapes), from Salts Mill, Saltaire.

Yesterday,Thursday, my friend came to meet me at the Hostel and we went into Haworth in her car for a bimble, and coffee and cake. She very kindly paid for me. I offered to pay but she insisted. :-D

After a walk I drove home, never going more than 60mph. There was no rush and the traffic was a bit heavy, so I like to chill out and relax, and go with the flow. Besides it's better fuel consumption if you take it steady. I wanted to time it so I got back to Tesssssco as they were putting the final reductions out. I managed to get some bargains but I was too early for the 90% off, and I didn't want to wait because I was hungry and wanted to get home.

I spent £19.91. Cheapies were 4 bread rolls 16p, 4 jacket potatoes, 16p, bread 40p, houmous 55p, blueberries £2.13, pasta salad £1.07, spinach 36p, iceberg lettuce 30p, baby potatoes 49p. I have enough to keep me going for a while.

Not going anywhere today, not spending.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Confession time, I spent money yesterday. I went out looking for two items, a free motion foot for my sewing machine, and a box of meaty chunks doggy food which I put in my pocket and dish out as treats to the many dogs I see around my village. They all know me. :-D

Big shop which sells sewing machines, does not sell accessories. {cry} Need to go to a smaller specialized sewing shop. And, I forgot the meaty chunks because my mind was elsewhere. {cry}

What I did buy was some cat food in gravy pouches, £4.96. Garcia the daycare cat prefers gravy to jelly. Pack of six AA batteries, for my wall clock, 99p. Roast chicken pieces 89p, for Mayze cat, and anyone else who wants it. Pack of five Swan Vesta matches 89p, to light my gas stove. It does have an electronic ignition, but for this to work it needs to be plugged into the electric and the clock running. I don't use the oven so I don't need to have it plugged in. Most of my sewing pins are bent, so I bought a new pack of 40 pins for £1.50. I needed some iron on interfacing for my textile art, £2.65.

I have to go to town next week to pay a credit card bill in the bank, so I hope I remember the meaty chunks. as well. Still no sign of the utilities bills, they are taking their time sending them. Car tax still to be paid before the end of the month.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Mo »

My credit card bill comes out as a direct debit to make sure I don't forget to pay it. Don't like to risk being charged. At the moment I'm just paying the minimum as it is interest free, but at the end of the free period I'll pay it off and change the DD.
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Monday morning again and I spent £1 at the Crafty Club. Not going anywhere else except for a walk, no need to spend any more today.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Oooops, I spent some money today. A trip to the Hull Scrapstore was arranged over a week ago, I met someone there who gave me a load of fabric that she couldn't use. That was free, but I also had a look round the Scrapstore and spent £12, on fabric, paint, and other bits and bobs. It is so cheap, a good place to purchase crafting supplies, they have allsorts there.

I shared the cost of the Humber Bridge crossing with my friend Angela who came with me, we paid £1.50 each.

I have enough crafting supplies to last me several months now, plenty to keep me busy.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Today I spent £1.70 at the post office to send a parcel. That's all. Nothing else.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Oh my word, I spent £203.34 today. It had to be done. I could have possibly cut it down a bit, I bought extra things because a friend was coming to visit next week, and now he isn't because it might be bad weather. I could have managed a bit longer with my broken toilet seat, but now I have a new one to sit on. I needn't have bought a box of tea bags, because I don't drink it, they will keep until he does eventually come. I bought a couple of bottles of wine for us to share, spose I could drink it myself, or save it.

A big cost is my nuts, I eat them every day for breakfast. £1.29 a bag for cashews and walnuts. Then the cats food, Heidi likes Sheba. I also needed some sugar and coffee. I bought a box of Bakers meaty chunks, I always have a few in my pocket for my doggy friends who I meet as I walk around the village.

I paid my car tax today, £135, there's no getting out of that one. Not very frugal today, but I wanted to be ready for my visitor, who is now not coming. I won't be spending tomorrow.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Mo »

Well you spent it now, you won't need to spend it later.
Don't see the point in saving in Feb just by spending extra in Jan or March. Though i suppose for some people if spending was out of control, even delaying spending might be a good thing - not for people like you (& me) though.
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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

My prediction was right, I didn't spend anything today. I will spend something tomorrow though. {cry}

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

I thought I was going to spend a lot more than I did today. I had fully intended to join the Embroiderers Guild at the meeting this afternoon. Had filled the form out, taken enough money with me, but then found out that that I had to pay £35 for national membership, plus £32 for local membership. The wording on the form doesn't make that clear. Under the heading Fee, it gives the two prices, but then adds the words Or Scunthorpe branch only £32.

I was willing to pay that, but I said I would think about the £67 required. They have 11 monthly meetings a year, I can't see what the benefits would be by joining National. I paid my £5 visitors fee and said I would think about joining. I can have one more visit for £5, then I have to join or not go again. I think they have lost a new member. A shame because the speaker was very interesting, but they don't have speakers every month, sometimes it's just a case of bring your own work.

On the way home I called in the shop that Stretches Pounds, to see if they have any reduced dry cat food left, they did, so I bought three bags at £1 each.

So, only £8 spent today.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

Yesterday was almost a 'no spend' day. I was at Crafty Club and forgot to hand over my £1 coin, right until the very end when everyone was going home. Then I realised I hadn't paid. Oooops. :oops:

Only two more days left and I have a large amount coming out of my bank account. It doesn't matter when I do it, it will be sometime this week. Because I am frugal, and careful with my spending, I am able to help a family member who has fallen on hard times because of illness. I don't need to accumulate large amounts of dosh, I have everything I need, I have my treats, I have a good life on a pension. Money is just numbers on a page to me.

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Meanqueen »

It's been snowing on and off here all day, despite that I went to town, and did my business at the bank. While I was in town I bought cat food from the discount stores. Spent £8.74. I really must stop feeding every cat that comes begging at my back door. {warn}

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Re: Ilona's Frugal February 2018

Post by Mo »

Cats can tell a good sob story.
Friends started feeding a 'starving' cat, only to find out later that it was being well cared for and was on a special diet - diabetic I think.
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Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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