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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , well a bit on the late side due to a sad time lately .
I played chess last Sunday . One game only .
I was well a head position and pieces .
Had him backed up king where I wanted him .
I fell for the piece trap and instead of following through took a PAWN .
He moved and got me check mate .
I was gobbed smacked . He was up off his chair holding his hand out with a smile on his face from ear to ear .
I shock his hand and said if he actually saw the move before he played it , I was impressed.
He seemed to have worked out how to finish a game with half the pieces on the board .
I said if this was the case he has me concerned .
Score 6 -2 .
Will have to watch my play and see his moves.
Might have got the idea from me .Castle supporting the Queen straight in front of the king blocked on back row. He would not have been able to do it if I had left the PAWN and castled like I intended to do.
So a touch of just dessert.
Till the next one.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi last Sunday another game of chess.
Enjoyed a challenging match .
Took control and was attacking his left my right . realizing the king attack last time was on his mind I watched out for my kings position . He was in same position king locked in on back row . He moved his Queen on the same line as my King . Let go . My Knight just picked her off . He cursed not seeing it and was kicking himself .
I was pretty sure that I was going to win so allowed him to move queen back . and take another move . Did say if he wins would call it a draw . (ha ha)
Well he put up a sort of defense which made me change tact . I still got him checkmate back row with Queen , Knight and Bishop nailing him .
So 7 - 2 to me .
He only plays one game a day now .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

I did not play chess ,but had the pleasure of watching a couple of games .
The chap who played my challenger , had a 3 year old on his lap , had not played for a long while .
He was so pleased that he won both games .
He insisted I did not help which I did not , I just kept saying reasons why he moves could have been better . Educating I would like to call it.
But the last game , last move I went mad .
`Challenger ` called check .
IT WAS ACTUALLY CHECKMATE , which he had not even realized . I said he did not know what he was doing . He said it was check . I said it was a checkmate move .
If he new it was checkmate he would say he won straight after and offer his hand , then run round the front room next door declaring he had won .
He does annoy me .......
So watch out I am ready to take him down a few pegs . Having said that I shall double check my moves before letting go of my piece as haste makes mistakes , which I have found to my cost.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Mo »

bikesandbirdsbob wrote: Having said that I shall double check my moves before letting go of my piece as haste makes mistakes , which I have found to my cost.

Are you allowed to move a different piece after touching one?
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

You can place the piece back as long as not released. As he has shacky hands he always try`s it on as ` have not let go`.
I suppose it is in the rules somewhere officially . You set the rules before you start saves arguments .
Still have them though .
We play friendly (HA HA )
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by Mo »

bikesandbirdsbob wrote:We play friendly (HA HA )

I noticed!
Dance caller.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Shame I am not computer saie I could play on line .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Plan for a good couple of games.
Should I lose so I get a second game ,
Win the first and he is got to sulk....
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , well disappointed .
one game only (Guess I lost )
7-3 .
Game was good .
I lost my queen earl on .
he had my queen and 3 pawns , I had a bishop and 2 pawns.
I was in a strong position and was attacking , hence I lost my queen .
I was close to pinning his king (not moved . castle lined up and bishop checking and a knight as a backing piece.
But he managed to attack with his queen . I had a few attempts to take it out but he saved it with the cost of a knight .
eventually he got the upper hand , missing a checkmate as took a castle instead . I pointed out his mistake and he just did not see it . Insisting the castle was a good move .
Eventual king in corner with a castle , queen and a knight pinning me in the corner and check mate .
1 disagreement over his release of a piece which he denied . eventually agreeing that he did and I let him put it back .
Long game and as said he won and was not going to risk loosing a point.
Till the next time.
I did say if I win every game it would be boring .
well played but made hard work of beating me.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Up for another game or two today .
Last chance before he goes off to USA for holiday .
(Poor pensioner ,Bo...... ) Tight git......
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by sandy »

Hiya Bob....visitors just arrived so i am off now.....
The Pink Ladies..Audrey,Ingrid-Bergman,Madeleline,Norma-Jean,Dora,Janice,Jo,Robyn,Chrissy and Joyce
The Peds…Mork,Mindy,Bell,Saphire &
Vorky ,Blueped,Ginger,Ninger &Linky

Sunny Clucker was ere July 12-21 2012
Sunny Clucker was ere July 6 2016 to Sept 9th 2017
Sunny Clucker is here , rehomed Aug 18th 2018/
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all ,I lost two games out of two last Sunday.
Mind else where is all i can put it down too.
Enjoyed it but not the results . Made him happy anyway.
Checkmate first time made a bad move and he got my king boxed with nowhere to go. When I re-looked at it I made the bad move 2-3 moves before hand .
Wish I could say I learnt something but I just played badly.
Well done to him . He may be learning now to play a good middle game and how to finish it instead of piece taking .
Second game much like the first , checkmate with very few pieces on the board , loosing pieces silly and not taking stock of my position . Playing blind would be my reasoning .
Well 7 games to me 5 to him and now getting close to GAME ON . He is off to USA for 3 weeks Sat so a break again .
Have to get some computer games in.
Not happy..
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , happy days again .
Played 2 games and knocked the wind from his sails .
we have been playing the game how it should be and the winning moves still had over 50 per cent of the pieces on the board .
Still can catch him on the back line boxed in from the front by horse and bishop and the castle along the back . Slight difference in second game I got a pawn -Queen swap and he knocked the king over as trapped and next move snared .
So 9-5 to me .
Though I won both games where good . Both made mistakes and I managed to keep the upper hand.
I can chill now with a few more games up front and can experiment again with new starts and middle and finishing.
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , well I actually got a game of chess in last Sunday afternoon after I visited Desmond at the small holding .
Well I thought I played really well up to the point I went into get his king .
I fell for my own trap and left king square in front of it completely unprotected .
This in turn was covered by a bishop on the left side castle row . The white queen moved in front of the king , straight down and checkmate . LOST.
I thought it was a great move on the opposition (Dave ) . But he took 5 minutes to make it.
He said that he new it was check mate in advance of making the move .
To be sure if he had not done it then he would have lost as my castle /queen was about to trap his.
I complemented him on his winning moves and the game he won.
He has got to get more confident in his moving pieces .
So it is 9 -6 to me and great games being played .
He will not risk 2 games in a row if he wins , which I do not understand .
looking forward to re match with a lesson learned but still many more to have in the future for sure .
Being honest is I can enjoy losing a game far more , than winning a game that has not been challenging .
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Re: Sportsmanship

Post by bikesandbirdsbob »

Hi all , 2 games Sunday .
Good quality games .
Different opening moves by myself .
First game was many moves into it before any pieces came off the board .
I was pieces up but then lost my Queen which brought a smile on his face ./
Though it was a surprise to me losing it as did not see it happening . It did not stop my onslaught and won quite easily in the end .
2 game played same sort of thing with moving pieces for commanding positions as against taking pieces off the board .
When the bits did start coming off they where flying off.
In the end knocked his king over as I was just moping up his pawns whilst getting him in Check mate .
So 2 more games for me but more important playing well the both of us.
One bit that does annoy me and I do tell him so.
I won the first game and he straight away said (after I shock his hand and said good game well played ) I made a bad mistake .........
I told him it is not his mistake but my skill in making him play it etc .
It takes away my skill like I was playing a 5 year old.
2 game he said the same .
I said I had lost my queen in the first game and still managed a win . That was a bad mistake but it did not matter .
Bottom line they where very good games played well but had to be a winner .
Score 11 to 6 to me ...looking forward to more games in the future ,
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