You tube Patreon

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You tube Patreon

Post by Spreckly »

Some time since we subscribed to a couple who used Patreon. I thought I had unsubscribed, but I keep getting emails telling me that money has been received - from Patreon. Going on the couple's website, it looks as if I have unsubscribed.

The poor Bank Manager is unable to find any records of transactions, and I wonder if anyone else has had this problem.

I deleted the emails, wish I had kept them.
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lancashire lass
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Re: You tube Patreon

Post by lancashire lass »

providing you are know you are unsubscribed and are not having money taken out of your accounts, personally I'd just ignore it. I've never heard of Patreon so cannot comment but I occasionally get emails from places I've stopped using ... it could just be a gimmick to remind you of them and maybe encourage you to subscribe again but more likely, have a look at the bottom of the email and there should be something to say unsubscribe from receiving emails (maybe that is still active and automatic) It should take you to a page which you tick the reason why you no longer want emails and then submit.
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Re: You tube Patreon

Post by Meanqueen »

A lot of youtubers are going over to Patreon, because you tube pays peanuts. They say Patrion subscribers get extra content. For them to take money from you they have to have your bank details, if nothing has gone out of your account then you don't have a Patreon subscription.

I follow several youtubers and they ask if anyone can help their finances to pay for their channel then subscribe to their Patreon channel. There is no need to, ignore requests, unless you want to give them some money.

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Re: You tube Patreon

Post by Spreckly »

I have managed to contact Patreon today, they have got a very strongly worded message from me!. Our very small pledge was voluntary, but I'm having to cancel a few little gifts to organisations here and there.
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