Corona - will we learn this time?

Discussion on living for a better and more responsible future
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Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by fabindia »

There seems little doubt that the new corona virus COVID-19 jumped from animals to humans in a so-called wet market in China where wild animals are sold for meat. Ebola seems to come from 'bush meat'.

Bird flu and swine flu came as a result of intensive farming.

Isn't time we learnt? With 7 billion people on earth, we can't eat all of its creatures and we can't keep them in unnatural conditions.

Isn't it time we outlawed all wild animal food, including 'game' in UK, eat less meat, and totally changed our attitude towards the planet?
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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by Mo »

Things are so complicated and interlinked.
People always try to improve things by perhaps changing one thing but wanting to still have it as good. But there are unexpected consequences. Mathematicians talk about 'suboptimisation'. When you look at one aspect and neglect the rest.
I would like to see the world a better place after this. less disregard for animals and the planet. But we can't/wont give all humans a decent life so what chance is there?
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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by albertajune »

My thoughts exactly Michael. Many humans are in my eyes, so cruel to animals, especially in the China and near Asian countries. Wild animals are treated appallingly for various reasons. Other countries don't interfere to try and stop it and also have their own problems with the way some animals are intensively farmed. Maybe it is just pay back time? It would be wonderful if they would think the same.
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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by Meanqueen »

The virus may well have jumped from animals to humans, but you have to look at the wider picture. If nobody from the rest of the world ever set foot in china, if nobody ever bought goods from China, if all Chinese people stayed in their own country, then it wouldn't have travelled all across the world as it has.

The Chinese have some vile practices where animals are concerned, and pressure should be put on them to stop. It may happen eventually but not yet. As I see it open borders are the problem, and the ability to travel anywhere on a whim needs to slow down.

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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by Spreckly »

Michael, I can't agree more.
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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by Gwenoakes »

I absolutely agree with you, MQ.
To answer your title question, Michael...……..I doubt we will learn even from this pandemic. We are living in an age where people are selfish and truly believe that this and that will never, ever happen to them. Until people get their heads from up their backside and stop doing this then there is little hope imho.
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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by lancashire lass »

From an environmental / climate change point of view, the corona pandemic has done more to cut emissions than all the campaigners tried to do for the past decade or more - if I was religious, I might say this was payback for all the misery that humans have done to the planet. Total lock downs, shutting industry off and restricting air travel and road traffic would have been unheard of and the results coming back are showing massive improvements in air quality. I live near the East Midlands airport (well, nowhere near it but depending on the wind direction can be along flight plans as they come into land) and along with the lack of traffic, it is lovely and quiet (apart from the steel band parties a few gardens away) While there have been restrictions of people movement, areas normally visited for pleasure (whether walking, hunting, cycling, motoring) will be enjoying non-human activities and responding to it ("re-wilding") I imagine however, it'll all go back to normal or worse as the economy will be at its lowest ebb and many countries (especially those that have put £trillions to ride this pandemic) will want to get back to full production and more to make up for it, and people cooped up for so long will want to get out and trash everything again. So no, I don't think we'll learn anything from it but it will be one for the history books.
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Re: Corona - will we learn this time?

Post by Mo »

I am afraid I tend to agree LL.
It would need strong measures from governments, and I suspect ours at least will look for popularity by telling everyone that they can have what they had before (plus the party donors are big business). Not 'red tape' to protect the planet.
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Sunny Clucker enjoyed Folk music and song in mid-Cheshire
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