Covid - do we just need to get back to normal?

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Covid - do we just need to get back to normal?

Post by fabindia »

Looking at where we are now it is apparent that Covid is far more deadly say than the standard winter flu. At the same time, however, a good portion of the population have been vaccinated - not to say those who are refusing the vaccine aren't a hazard to themselves and others. We need to be mindful of protecting, as best we can, those who are vulnerable to this diabolical virus.

That said though do we now need to start thinking about getting back to some sort of normality? Do we really want to be wearing face masks for the rest of our lives? None of us can ever say we've never had a common cold, in fact over our life time we'll get many cold infections. As Covid isn't going to just go away, I am guessing therefore that we will all get Covid at some point and whether this makes us mildly ill or very sick will depend on a number of factors such as have we been fully vaccinated, what new variants are around at the time, our general health, etc.
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Re: Covid - do we just need to get back to normal?

Post by Mo »

Maybe the way to 'get back to normal' is to get used to wearing masks in crowded enclosed spaces. A practise that is common ins ome countries.
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Re: Covid - do we just need to get back to normal?

Post by kitla »

Most places seem pretty well back to normal to me. We can go to crowded concerts, restaurants, parties. There's very few settings where masks are compulsory, but I think its still too soon not to be taking some precautions. In fact I think England it far too lax & should tighten up the rules over this winter. Our vaccination rate is better than alot of other countries but this is still global, many other countries are not doing so well & any new variants will get here soon enough. We still dont know how this will play out, it may get gradually weaker & just become an annual jab or it could come back in force & evade the vaccine (then we're in deep doodoo!). I'm certainly not dropping my guard, we go out - but test regularly, wear mask, use hand san, clean my trolley & get vaccinated
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Re: Covid - do we just need to get back to normal?

Post by Meanqueen »

My life has been pretty normal throughout, apart from a few changes I made. I don't go into enclosed areas where there are a lot of people, don't like crowds anyway. I spend a lot of time in my own house and garden, and outdoors driving and walking.

I have turned down the chance of a stall at our Christmas Fair, I don't want to be in the Village Hall in close proximity with people I don't know. I have only visited my sister twice since it started, once we sat outside in the garden, last week was inside her big conservatory, we sat apart from each other with the door open. I won't go and visit the rest of the family.

I have never been tested, I haven't worn a mask, and I am not jabbbbbed. I don't try and explain to people why I choose this route, all I will say is it's not about a virus, and don't rely on main stream media for your news. Look in other places.

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