Birds returning down the Lane after Summer breaks

The last few days of the month have welcomed back a few birds down the Lane.
First it was the Chiffchaffs and Grey Wagtails and now the Pied Wagtails, some Chaffinches, Lapwings and the always welcomed Fieldfares.

Young Male Chaffinch

The Fieldfares arrived last Sunday, about 30 or 40 to begin with, then the following day,probably 150 came in and have spread themselves across the fields along the half mile stretch from here to the Great Stour two fields down.

The Grey Wagtails are still bathing a lot in the Stream which at present is quite low due to a fairly long dry period. It will be interesting to see what happens when the water rises a bit. Not too much I hope.


In fact, on Tuesday, a walk down to the River afforded me not only the above but a Buzzard popping here and there on the field, a few Yellowhammers just meters away from the house and a Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Yellowhammer in Hedgerow    Woodpecker in Autumn

Lapwings    Pied Wagtail
Yellowhammer – Great Spotted Woodpecker – Lapwings – Pied Wagtail

From all the above only the Fieldfares are migrants from overseas, but there are many birds who seemed to leave in late Spring and now returning.

Of note is the huge increase in Blackbirds. As far as I can make out, none are migrants, so just flown further south to here for Winter.

Buzzard resting in Field

Finally, Jay, again first viewing of one here since Spring when I regret to say had 4 or 5 fledgling Sparrows from the nest above the back door.
Always a great shame, but nature rules.

Here comes Winter and the weather this week seems to be confirming just that.

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