Dungeness Birdwatching Early November

Reading all the local Birding Blogs it seems apparent that things are pretty quiet on the bird front, certainly in October and I quote one long and experienced Birders comment ‘The worse October I remember’.
Half the problem has been the mild weather though, migrants coming in seem mainly to be on time, but the recent mild weather has maybe stopped many Warmer weather birds not to venture off.
This certainly appears the case with Swallows, still many about.


A walk around the old Lighthouse showed some Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests, always a pleasure to see.
A walk down to the Beach didn’t produce anything other than the usual array of Gulls flying over the warm water being pumped out from the Nuclear Power Station.

I then went on to the RSPB Reserve where I picked out an Avocet feeding amongst a load of Lapwings, some Teals and Cormorants. From the Dennis Hide one could see 4 Great White Egrets mixing in with 5 Little Egrets.

Fox at RSPB Dungeness

On my way around the circuit it was nice to come face to face with a fine looking Fox, obviously not long from being in the Blackberry Bushes.

Goldcrest in bush Dungeness    Fox droppings on rock

Great White and Little Egret    Teal at Dungeness

Speaking of Foxes I was intrigued to come across a rock on which a Fox had very carefully done a dropping neatly on top. Made for a nice decoration but the mind went in overdrive as to how he or she did it!

Close up of healthy Fox

Once again my quest to see a male Bearded Tit came to nothing. I got the usual Birders response of “Oh, you should have been here an hour ago”. This remark is becoming quite standard with me!

As always though, great to go down there, even if it is only for the sea air and the wonderful bleak scenery. Love it!

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