I arrived at RSPB Dungeness at 0945., clear, sunny, no wind and zero degrees.
Earler I had ensured I had ample clothing; on top I had 2 T-Shirts, 2 Jumpers, a Shirt and my thick 100% Wool Nepalese Jacket.
After about 200 meters, I was too hot !
Meadow Pipit
I started off with a quick look to see if the two Long Eared Owls were giving everyone a show, neither of them did so I wandered off around the Hides, made my way to the Viewpoint and headed back.
It was nice as unlike my last few visits smaller birds were appearing; a male and female Stonechat were busy amongst the Gorse between the Christmas and Dengemarsh Hides, this was followed by a nice pose from a male Chaffinch perched in the bushes. In fact, there were probably 20 plus there.
Male and Female Stonechat
Next stop would be the Beach by the Power Station, but as I was getting in the Car, a Greenfinch appeared just opposite.
Not only were there quite a number of small birds around but many Humans as well, the most I’ve seen there since last Autumn.
Shame is that speaking to some it seemed they were there to see the Owls and the Ringed Neck Duck. At least they saw the latter who is still displaying well at Boulderwall.
No sign of the Slavonian Grebes on the New Diggings.
Meadow Pipit not in Meadow! – Early morning on Reserve – Greenfinch
I parked up at my usual spot beside the Old Dungeness Lighthouse and before enjoying a Roll and brew up, looked at the Garden. Nothing to be seen but even in this cold cold weather, there are still Bumble Bees flying there.
Male Chaffinch
Onward to the Beach. I walked up to where the Nuclear Station waste water is pumped into the sea which attracts literally hundreds of Gulls weaving and ducking. With three others I searched for the Icelandic Gulls which arrived two days previous, but I’m afraid our eyes could not keep up with them.
I took lots of photos to bring home and expand on the larger screen, but couldn’t pick them out.
Some of the hundreds of Gulls around the Point</center>
On my way back to the Car, a Meadow Pipit started jumping up and down on the Power Station Wall. Most obliging it was too and I managed to get a few half decent shots.
Other than that, there were two Great White Egrets at the ARC and a Sparrowhawk beautifully posed on a dead tree which, naturally, flew off just as I clicked. A nice close up of a branch and blue sky though !